Friday, April 14, 2017

Total v4.0 – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme

Total v4.0
Total v4.0 Ultimate Multipurpose WordPress Theme
Combined with the top selling Page Builder plugin this super fast, flexible and clean theme is all you need to get the job done.

Total v4.0 is a modern and responsive WordPress theme designed to be customized. Total v4.0 was created with many different niches and professions in mind – bloggers, online stores, lawyers, agencies, wedding planners, hosting companies, nonprofits and more. Just have a look at some of our industry specific homepage examples to get an idea of just what kind of magic Total is capable of. Total v4.0 is packed to the brim with great features like WooCommerce integration or Unlimited Portfolios. At a price that is less than a tank of gas there’s no reason not to get Total today and start building your new website!

Total v3.6.0 – Responsive Multi-Purpose WordPress Theme Changelog

v4.0 – March 19, 2017
Row Column Tweaks: Some big important modifications have been made to the Visual Composer rows and columns to support new versions of Visual Composer and better support 3rd party plugins. Some classes had to be removed such as “wpex-vc-row-wrap, wpex-vc-columns-wrap, wpex-vc-column-wrapper” if you have made any CSS modifications targeting these elements please double check your code. This can also affect some column spacing due to how the VC plugin works since version 5.0+ so please also double check your design (some rows with backgrounds or rows with columns in them that have backgrounds may need some adjustment in the margin/padding settings) if you have ANY issues just let our support team know so we can help you fix them up!
This was an extremely important update and we appreciate your understanding moving forward with the theme. This also means much slimmer code, html, faster rendering and better full support for all VC 3rd party plugins.
Full-Screen Rows: From here on for full-screen rows we recommend using the stretch row function in the Visual Composer with a full-width (no-sidebar) page/post layout instead of using the full-screen page. The layout will still be available and work as expected, however, because of a small conflict with the “center row” functionality and ease of use for your clients we recommend using the stretch row function instead. Additionally on the “Boxed Layout” the stretch row setting will only stretch things out by default to the edge of the boxed width.
“Deprecated” Center Row Option: The center row option for VC rows is used to center rows on full-screen pages when using the Visual Composer, however, having the setting enabled causes some conflicts with 3rd party VC add-ons and also some Visual Composer settings that were previously hidden (such as content position – top/middle/bottom). Instead we recommend using the “No Sidebar” post layout and the “Stretch Row” setting for creating full-screen rows. However, the setting will still work after updating the theme so your content should still look good we just recommend using the stretch row option instead moving forward. Of course it’s completely up to you you can still use it if you like it!
Added Full theme support for PHP 7.1
Added Ability to select templatera templates for your header/footer builders instead of just using a standard page – screenshot
Added Ability to override any template part via the ‘wpex_template_parts’ using callable functions – example snippet – as an alternative to having to copy files from the parent theme for overriding (you can use either method I just want to give you more options depending on your preference).
Added Integration for the Real Media Library premium plugin (not included but supported) for various Total modules – example
Added Responsive grid settings for Visual Composer modules – screenshot
Added Custom responsive font sizes to various font size options in Total VC modules – screenshot
Added New Users Grid VC module – screenshot
Added Support for new Visual Composer “Section” module
Added WPML xml file for translation of Total VC modules via their new function and guide
Added New parameter to global wpexLocalize js object (localScrollHighlight) so you can disable the local scroll current menu item highlight
Added New action hook “wpex_demo_importer_ajax_post_import_complete” which runs after a demo import is complete. This allows developers to hook into the demo importer to add additional tweaks after a demo has been imported. Useful when creating your own custom demos via the ‘wpex_get_demos_remote_url’ filter
Added New filter ‘wpex_get_user_social_profile_settings_array’ so you can now easily add/remove social options from users (which displays in the author box and the new users grid)
Added New helper function ‘wpex_get_user_social_links’ to display social links for any given user ID
Added New option to the Customizer to enable/disable the animation effects for the lightbox script
Added New filter – ‘wpex_ilightbox_settings’ – to easily alter the site-wide iLightbox settings and new settings available to change – see Total/framework/classes/ilightbox for the array of settings that can be tweaked for the lightbox
Added New animation styles for Visual Composer modules
Added Translation files for the recommended plugins
Added New filter “wpex_load_ilightbox_globally” to allow you to enable the lightbox default skin globally
Added Missing Image Overlay settings for the WooCommerce carousel
AddedEasier ability to override single and entry blocks for blog, portfolio, staff, post types via custom functions rather then template parts…example snippet
Added 500 and 900 font weight options to the Customizer typography settings
Added Custom template while editing the Togglebar content to make it easier by removing everything except the builder content and added a function to redirect this page on the front-end for SEO reasons – the togglebar now displays while in the VC editor as well for consistency
Added New “single-blocks” element ID to all post type posts containing the main content added to the page which can be used to target content on a per-post type basis easier and also for better Customizer postMessage support
Added Support for the readmore button to the blog carousel module
Added New function to the theme’s breadcrumbs class (framework/classes/breadcrumbs) that returns the correct classes for the main crumbs classes (wrap_classes function) for use with child theme mods
Added Option to the main theme panel to enable/disable the theme’s deprecated fallback functions (see Total/framework/deprecated/) to see all deprecated functions/code
Added New filter ‘vcex_grid_filter_args’ for altering the grid filter arguments for any of the Total grid modules that include a filterable category function
Added New filter “wpex_metaboxes” so you can completely disable the Total theme’s “Page Settings” entirely either for everyone or for specific users – see snippet example
Added New filters “wpex_cpt_entry_supported_media” and “wpex_cpt_single_supported_media” which can be used to disable audio, video, gallery or thumbnail support for post type entries and singular posts
Added new filter “wpex_is_layout_responsive” if you want to conditionally disable responsiveness for a specific page or section of your site
Added Option to the Business Info Widget to automatically add a “tel” link to the phone number field
Added New filter ‘wpex_infinite_scroll_args’ for altering the blog infinite scroll jquery arguments via a child theme
Added Phone number to the Top Bar Social settings
Added New filter ‘wpex_topbar_social_link_attrs’ for easier changing of topbar social link attributes (href, title, target, class, data…etc.)
Added Ability to easily add new sections to the blog entry and post meta via callable functions – example snippet
Added Title + Price Hover image overlay style for WooCommerce products
Added Footer bottom hooks – wpex_hook_footer_bottom_before, wpex_hook_footer_bottom_inner, wpex_hook_footer_bottom_after and moved the footer bottom copyright and menu into hooks for easier child theming
Added New filter ‘wpex_blog_post_supports_thumbnail’ which can be used to conditionally disable/enable the post thumbnail on blog posts. For example the thumbnail is disabled by default for audio posts so you can use this filter to enable it
Added Image sizes links for (full, large, medium, thumbnail) if cropped version exists to the image attachment pages – screenshot
Added Details to the attachment page for video files – screenshot
Added Default border style to rows/columns to use “solid” so you don’t have to select a style in the Design Options
Added Various new Visual Composer parameter types (visibility, button_styles, button_colors, font_weights, text_transforms, image hovers, overlays…) to slim down the VC map and for optimizing things further
Added Span inside navbar Total module links for further tweaking via CSS (can be used to add a bottom border for example to active links and not be affected by the outer padding)
Added New Total VC module “Divider – Multicolor”
Added Ability to enter a custom function mane for the Total VC milestone module number field if you want to create dynamic milestones!
Added New Total “post excerpt” module for the VC grid builder which allows for custom excerpt length, more options and better filters for child theme modifications then the core VC excerpt module
Added Ability to enable nofollow for the Font Icon Social widget
Added Backup for the demo importer if the server is returning a 403 error it will then try and get the demo data directly from Github instead of our server where the demos are hosted
Added Font Family options to the Pricing Total VC module
Updated Bundled plugins
Updated Theme now uses SASS files to generate and compress theme CSS – this speeds up development as well as your site by having compressed CSS files by default.
Updated Attention: Moved some class functions in main functions.php to their own files/custom functions for better theme structure – see Total/framework/wp-filters and Total/framework/wp-actions (if you were using remove_filter or remove_action for any of these functions you’ll need to update your child theme accordingly).
Updated Highly optimized and re-coded the on-the-fly image cropping/resizing function & class. You can now pass an “attachment” id to the function instead of the image url (preferred method). Cropped image sizes are now stored in the image metadata which is used for various plugins such as image compressing and regenerating plugins and on the fly images will now pass through the WordPress core ‘wp_get_attachment_image_src’ filter providing better support for other 3rd party image plugins.
Updated Custom CSS function to be integrated with the new Additional CSS field in the WP customizer that was added in WP 4.7 when you update the Custom CSS panel it changes will be reflected in the Customizer setting and vise-versa
Updated Many Customizer settings to use partialRefresh for faster edits in the Customizer without having to refresh the entire page – example
Updated Better On/Off options in the Total VC modules – screenshot
Updated Better Google font selector in Total VC modules – screenshot
Updated Total shortcode button in the editor to use a PHP generated js object instead of plain javascript so that the headings are now translatable and you can easily add/remove items from the button dropdown via the ‘wpex_shortcodes_tinymce_localize’ filter
Updated WP galleries to include the image captions in the lightbox and to use the image title as a fallback for the lightbox title if an alt attribute isn’t defined
Updated Localized the iLightbox title tags for the close, full-screen, slideshow, next and previous links for translation & slimmed down the javascript for the lightbox theme functions
Updated Footer callout button to allow for some HTML output via wp_kses_post
Updated Optimized the wpex_get_attachment_data helper function
Updated Font Awesome Library
Updated Further optimized the sidebar mobile menu javascript code for dropdown toggles and fixed animation but when using the following snippet and hiding/opening the sidebar menu
Updated Moved Header Menu Search Icon options to it’s own tab in the Customizer – screenshot
Updated Improved design for Total theme Customizer subheadings – screenshot
Updated Custom Menu Widget design a little bit to be consistant with the Modern menu design and mobile menu – changed caret icons to chevrons and  set current menu item background to use accent color
Updated All Total modules to use the VC ‘VC_SHORTCODE_CUSTOM_CSS_FILTER_TAG’ filter for the module classes
Updated Added better resets in the CSS for the overlay headers to prevent conflicts with Customizer settings
Updated Header menu dropshadow classes are now added to the header element instead of the menu so that the search and cart dropdown elements can make use of the same dropshadow styles from the Customizer settings
Updated Business Info Widget so you can enter a “url” for the email field if you want to link to a contact page
Updated Social share function so that it can correctly get the current URL and title for archives such as categories/tags for customers that want to display the social share on archives via some child theme edits and for possible new “styles” (feel free to suggest some if you have ideas)
Updated Blog infinite scroll javascript function to pass new elements to the ‘wpexinfiniteScrollLoaded’ trigger for easier modifications via a child theme
Updated Topbar social links to auto add mailto: to email link if it’s a valid email and the mailto isn’t already added plus added antispambot protection to the email link
Updated All video lightbox is now by default 1280×720 (can be altered easily now globally via a child theme if needed)
Updated Self hosted videos to use the WP video shortcode instead of apply_filters( ‘the_content’ ) to prevent conflicts with 3rd party plugins and for better optimization
Updated Self hosted audio to use the WP wp_audio_shortcode function instead of apply_filters( ‘the_content’ ) to prevent conflicts with 3rd party plugins and for better optimization
Updated Testimonial slider will show readmore even for items with custom excerpts if the readmore link is enabled
Updated Stretched Rows in Boxed Layout now only stretches to the width of the boxed layout and doesn’t spill all the way out of the layout (this function can be disabled via a child theme if needed).
Updated Equal height function for VC rows to use the native VC equal heights (was disabled before to use Total’s javascript driven function) the theme will now use the VC function which is a CSS3 solution via flex items which is much faster and well optimized
Updated Minified total theme’s js file name changed to wpex.min.js instead of total-min.js
Updated Larger font icons in the Visual Composer when choosing icons so they are easier to see
Updated How the lightbox gallery javascript works so you can now create an image grid lightbox from single images added to any given row using custom classnames for the row and images – guide will be added to the docs when requested by customers
Updated Schema markup for breadcrumbs
Fixed Errors when using PHP 7.1
Fixed Total js Errors when jQuery migrate is disabled in WordPress
Fixed Single tribe event day layout
Fixed Responsive columns not working for the testimonials carousel module
Fixed Issue with the wcmenucart-items- class not being added to the WooCommerce shop item when the cart has 0 items
Fixed Post Metabox cancel reset text
Fixed Issue in the Custom Post Types UI with Total text settings not resetting when set to blank
Fixed Custom Post Types issue when single and entry post meta doesn’t have any items
Fixed Breadcrumbs position when using Yoast SEO breadcrumbs
Fixed Overlay header offset with VC full height rows
Fixed Image cropping for single products with variations & issues with the additional variations WooCommerce extension
Fixed Issue with style links not working for video lightbox in Total grids
Fixed Issue with Customizer site background patterns not working in 3.6.0 and added new filter “wpex_get_background_patterns” to customize the available patterns and url locations
Fixed Bug with p tags being added to the pinterest share link
Fixed Border issues on header style two with centered option enabled
Fixed Issue with not being able to disable social share for WooCommerce products & moved the setting over to Customize > WooCommerce > Single Product
Fixed Issue with animated text module freezing in Chrome when using & symbols
Fixed Color issue when adding theme buttons to the footer via html using the text block
Fixed Issue with some fonts not working in the Visual Composer, specifically the “Exo 2” font
Fixed Issue where the Topbar would still display even if disabled when the social alternative field wasn’t empty
Fixed Issue with Footer Callout and Topbar content not being translated via WPML translation strings
Fixed Search dropdown position in RTL layout when site set to boxed
Fixed RTL issues with the recent posts with thumbnails widget
Fixed Mega menu issue with column floats not clearing correctly
Fixed Some WooCommerce responsive issues with the account pages
Fixed Issue with portfolio grid with lightbox enabled for the title not displaying videos but only images
Fixed Issues with custom excerpts not working on posts when the text block as custom parameters defined
Removed The $wpex_theme global variable which was deprecated in version 2.1.0 on May 6, 2015 – if this variable is being used in your child theme you need to update accordingly. If you don’t know how, please ask and we can assist!
Removed Usage of the wpex_global_obj() function and filter – the function still exists as a fallback to prevent issues with child theme modifications but if you are using this function in your child theme you can switch to the new functions used to retrieve the data – see Total/framework/deprecated/global-object.php for the correct function to use – this is 100% optional.
Removed Image.php file and created instead an attachment.php file to better support other formats


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